
Welcome to the new site!

Things look a littlelot different around here and should be a littlelot easier to navigate. Many thanks to wonderful Jeremy Tolbert at Clockpunk Studios for nailing this website redesign. I LOVE IT. So much I might actually keep the site updated!

Since I’ve added adult fantasy and rom-com to what I write and that’s where most of my forthcoming books are, I created some categories and structure to make it easy to find what you’re looking for. I also consulted twitter and added some things people said they appreciate and copied some of my favorite features from other writers’ sites. All the content is freshly updated.

Some new things to check out:

The only other thing I plan to add soon is an author’s note to go along with all the books pages. I already did one for Not Your Average Hot Guy. Anyway! Check it out and let me know if there’s something you want me to add.

Why now? Besides the fact I wanted to do this and knew it would be needed, it seems pretty clear that events are going to continue to be mostly virtual for some time. And with the Delta Variant out there (please get vaccinated!), online discovery is going to continue to be huge for books. So, like the header says, welcome. I spiffed this place up for y’all. Visit. Share. And hopefully find the book you’re looking for!

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Heres and Theres and Excitements

Hello! Just a quick update with some links and things. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has signal-boosted, bought, or already read and reviewed Stranger Things: Suspicious Minds! You rock. For a launch day that started with beating off an attacker while on dog walks and having to ID the creep once they caught him, I have to say this has been a pretty great week.

I’m still getting a fair number of questions about where to pick up signed copies — Joseph-Beth Booksellers here in Lexington can hook you up, or you can preorder copies I’ll be doing for The Signed Page next month at Emerald City Comic-Con. Bonus: The Signed Page will ship internationally. You can find the book most everywhere it seems, and I’m hoping to stalk it properly in the wild here later this week. And I’m going to Paris for the launch there in a few weeks (screech)!

Some elsewheres:

Also, Matthew Modine, aka Dr. Brenner himself, is wonderful:


More soon. In the meantime…be stranger.

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