Weekend & Zelda

A_mad_tea_partyA lovely time was had by all, especially one attention hog named Emma the D-O-G, and party hats were even worn briefly. So endeth GwendaGras 30.

One of the most pleasant surprises was the library-hosted art show "Zelda By Herself," featuring 61 pieces of Zelda Fitzgerald’s amazing work, much of which centers on interpreting classic religious and fairy tale scenes or well-known cityscapes very much stamped with her own impressions. I was especially taken with the paper dolls and the lampshade with carousel imagery. The full charm of these pieces does not come across online, sadly, so do seek this exhibit out if it travels near you.

See also: Stephany Aulenback at Maud’s (she also points to this book, which collects many of the images)

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