Hummingbirds of the Mind

BabybirdThe Washington Post has a pretty wonderful–if slightly depressing for the bird flu mentions–animal photo gallery up. The only photo I managed to grab features a one-month-old parrot from Bangkok ("One night in Bangkok makes a hard parrot humble… "), but number two is a beautiful shot of a hummingbird on the wing. No, really, it’s not like these; you can see it clear as if it’s stuck in time. There’s also a monkey drinking from a bottle and a cow moose.

3 thoughts on “Hummingbirds of the Mind”

  1. So there I was the night I brought home my very first VCR {not the drink} and I turn on channel 11 and start taping to see if it works.the show was Image Union and the guy singing was “skafish” which I thought was to funny but one of the songs was “Where is james bond” ever hear of it?

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