Things to Say

I haz them. More specifically, I have things to say about the recent book challenge/banning controversies here in the lovely bluegrass state–well, I have even more, actually, but some pretty lengthy things I have to say about how the idea of classic literature and the canon plays an insidious role in all this are over at The Nervous Breakdown 3.0, where I'm just starting to post again. A snippet:

It's no coincidence that if you examine the arguments involved in either of these cases, you'll come across things like: graphic novels are all for children; Alan Moore is just a pornographer (and a Wizard! or something); books for teenagers can't be literature; teenagers shouldn't be reading about sex/the consequences of sex/gay people/abuse/foul language (my personal favorite). As if teenagers are some sort of delicate morons. In fact, teenagers are at just the right age to begin grappling with extremely polemic works and with much more nuanced ones. They can take it. Trust me on this. (If you mention The Twilight Saga, you lose. An eye.)

(Isn't TNB shiny with its relaunch, btw?)

p.s. Sick. Boo.

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