Wednesday Hangovers

  • MetaxuCafe is a new litblogging network created by Bud Parr of Chekhov’s Mistress. Looks like a neat resource for keeping up with the lit world and all the fabulous new litblogs created every other day. Plus, it has a lovely design.
  • Cecil Castellucci and Jen Sincero will perform their show Spinster at the Galapagos Art Space in Brooklyn on Tuesday, December 6. See details here.
  • Le Cineclub with Lauren and Emma on Walk the Line, which they give three peonies. (I’m still thinking about the movie, which I enjoyed a GREAT deal, and I think one of the things I like most about it is how Southern a version of the Johnny and June story it is — it seems to me a sort of cleaned up, "oh, we were so wild back then" version of a much messier story in just the sort of way that the family history of your wild child great aunt or uncle gets tidied and embellished at the same time in Southern families. No matter how fucked up anyone or any situation was, it’s always redeemable as anecdote with a spit shine and a happy ending. And, of course, everyone looks fabulous and the music, well, that goes without saying.)
  • Maud Newton on the Jefferson Market Branch Library’s history. She also posts a short piece about not writing Southern by Robb Forman Dew (whose The Truth of the Matter is very close to the top of the TBR and was recommended highly by a friend with impeccable taste).
  • Tod Goldberg requests your best of lists, best of whatever you want.
  • Mea culpa: I’m shamefully behind on email. Really, it’s hard to even apologize with a straight face at this point. It’s not personal, it’s being personally overwhelmed with Stuff to Do. I’ll get to your message soon. Promise.

3 thoughts on “Wednesday Hangovers”

  1. You are SO not alone on the behind-on-email front. I haven’t even replied to Christopher’s extremely kind email about my Geffen wins. I suck.

  2. The Jefferson Market Library account is amusing and wrong. The charming building that is now a library was a courthouse in the days when each precinct in NYC had its own courthouse and prison. The prison was a tall, bleak, brick structure located next to the courthouse on Sixth Avenue on a spot that is now a garden/park. Neighborhood courts were consolidated back in, I believe, the 1940’s and the courthouse eventually became a library. The prison itself became the Women’s House Of Detention until it was demolished in the late ’60’s. On summer nights in the mid ’60’s when I was first in New York, the women – mostly in jail for street crimes – would hang out the upper story windows and shout at the passers-by who often would answer back. When a cop car came by, the ladies would boo and jeer and the cops (if they were in a playful mood) would flash their cherry tops and run their siren.

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