For the Record (updated)

And since I’m sure it won’t last long, I’m currently in second place in the Tourney of Books Book Bloggers’ Office Pool; this notable, since for most of the competition I’ve been proudly sporting the lanterne rouge.

This is based purely on my love of The Road, and thus The Sci-Fi comes through yet again. (I kid.) (But it is.) I suspect that Brockman, Condalmo or Max is going to end up with the big win, so I’m choosing to seize a little moment of baskery in which I do not feel guilty for completely letting Catherine Schneider of Austin down down down.

Updated: Wow, I never thought Oprah would co-opt my love of The Road. I guess this means everyone has to stop referring to her book club picks as "middle brow." I rub my hands together evilly in anticipation of discussion day.

3 thoughts on “For the Record (updated)”

  1. My main thought re: the Road on Oprah is, “Crap, now it’ll be _years_ before I can get it from the library.”

  2. I haven’t read all his stuff, but Blood Meridian is also wonderful.
    Hannah, who knows? Maybe your library will now invest in more copies…

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