
A larger link dumpesque post is coming soon, but this deserves a post of its own. The indefatigable Colleen Mondor has put together yet another amazing collaborative event between Guys Lit Wire, Readergirlz, YALSA and If I Can Read, I Can Do Anything to allow all of us to purchase books for Navajo and Apache teens who go to school at Ojo Encino Day School and Alchesay High School. You can read all about it here, browse the wishlist and buy.

Lots of people have already. Again, the place to go to take part is right here–please spread the word far and wide.

3 thoughts on “Give”

  1. I once tried to study the Navajo language and lasted about a week because it is so complex (as well as beautiful). Anyone who can master both that language and English is a mind to be reckoned with, and deserves all the books they can get.

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