Thursday Hangovers

6 thoughts on “Thursday Hangovers”

  1. You know, as dispiriting as the gender balance is, I think I’m actually more dispirited by the lack of Japanese works. This is basically selfish: I know M. Rickert and Jo Walton and etc etc are out there, I don’t need an award to point them out. But I have almost no idea what Japanese sf is out there, and I was looking forward to having some pointed out to me by (presumably) relatively informed voters.
    Ah well. I’ve seen suggestions that Japanese fans typically join conventions late, and may as a result have missed out on nominating this year. But there’s always next year …

  2. I find it dispiriting because it’s not surprising.
    I was expecting the Japanese stuff to show up next year anyway, so I didn’t have my hopes up yet…

  3. I’m always a bit perplexed by complaints about the gender balance of awards nominations, especially when there are no specifics attached. Which works by female authors did you think should have been nominated, and — equally important — which of the nominated works should they have displaced?

  4. That’s part of the problem, Keith — I could easily come up with enough deserving works by women to fill the entire ballot (not that I’m saying that would be the solution). The problem with the gender IMbalance is that it troublingly ignores the fact that much of the best work in the field is being done by WOMEN. In and of itself, the lack of women in the fiction categories gives an outdated (I hope) picture of what is happening in the genre.
    I actually disagree with you that naming other works I wish were on the ballot would mean I have to name which ones would have been displaced (I’m sure Niall will oblige!). And I don’t have time to name them all, but off the top of my head, the best short story and novella I read last year were by Liz Hand and M. Rickert, neither of whom appear.

  5. Well, I have the problem that I didn’t read many US sf novels published last year, full stop; I read Oh Pure and Radiant Heart by Lydia Millett on its first UK publication, and would have no problems seeing that grace a Hugo ballot, but obviously that used up its eligibility in 2005. I can say that short fiction-wise I would probably have nominated L. Timmel Duchamp’s “The World and Alice”, M. Rickert’s “You Have Never Been Here” and “Map of Dreams”, and Greer Gilman’s “Down the Wall”, and that I was expecting to see Jo Walton’s Farthing in the novel category. Some other suggestions are made here, as part of a mind-boggling thread.

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